Saturday, June 21, 2008

We saw it coming...

...but it's still a little sad to see a nearly-four-year-old accept hand-me-downs from his baby cousin. The cute suit Parker is sporting here once belonged to my sweet, tank of a newphew, Lincoln, who is just 8 weeks older than Reagan! It's not even that Lincoln is that big, or even that Parker is short, but the poor boy has the narrowest little body you've ever seen. I just couldn't bring myself to buy a new 6-12 month suit for him, but the ones he has have been used (by him) since Spring '05, and anything bigger ends up around his ankles. So my sister came to the rescue, and a entire drawer full of 12-18 month, 18-24 month, 2T and 3T swim wear will go unused for yet another season. At least Parker's muscles are big, right?!

1 comment:

Dania Efird said...

We can relate to that problem in our family! We have a neice who is now 7 that could still wear a size 4 waist if the shorts/pants were sooo short! She's so tall and skinny it's ridiculous! Good luck as he gets older!