Saturday, November 07, 2009

No photos!

Scrolling back through my recent blog posts, I realized that this blog has become incredibly photo-heavy, and rather sad photos at that since my good camera is still on vacation (we miss you mom and dad!). Save for one wordy post, there's been nothing to see here but cute kids. The cutest really, but since most of you have your own cutest kids running around, that probably gets a little old. Sadly, I can't say that I'm necessarily going to be remedying that any time soon. I just couldn't bring myself to participate in NaBloPoMo again this November. Though I really enjoyed 30 days of Thanks last year, it was some pressure let me tell ya! It was so good for me to reflect on all the blessings in my life, but I think this year we're going to make it a family affair with a Thanksgiving tree (nevermind that I'm already 8 days late). I can only imagine how many leaves Reagan will end up with - her prayers lately consist of a seemingly never-ending list of all the people and things in her life. If it's in the room, been interacted with, or talked about in the last day, you can be sure Reagan will thank God for it. She's just simply adorable and I love hearing her tiny little voice address her Creator, but for the sake of time we sometimes have to supply the "amen" for her!
So for this year I'll enjoy all of my favorite blogs that are participating, and just share our little craft when we're done. You're holding your breath I know. Especially those of you that have seen my creativity in action. Anyway... Happy especially-thankful-month all!


Anonymous said...

Dear Laura

Please keep the photos coming. It is the only way we get to see the growth of the three special kids in the Dan T family.

Have a blessed thankful month-
Love from
Carrie H

Anonymous said...

Yes,PLEASE keep the photos coming!! We miss those babies so much--they're growing up while we're gone for this short time!!! Counting the days, but have to say we're still having an absolutely amazing time!! Love M&D

Mother of Max said...

Hey Laura:
While I do love your way with words, I also love the pics! Don't reduce the amount of pictures....I love them. Getting to see pictures of your three doll babies just makes my day when I'm traveling. Checking your blog is often a really bright spot at the end of a long work day!