Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Gotcha... a little late!

It's bad enough to run out of time and brain cells for real blogging.  It's even worse when your computer-that's-on-its-last-leg stops letting you even upload photos!  Then add a little panicked "Did you really fail to back up any of our Vietnam photos onto the external hard drive?!" discussion with dear husband (they're there, thank the Lord!).  What do you get?  The transformation of a pathetic Gotcha Day post into a even more pathetic tardy Gotcha Day post.  Sunday marked four years since God gave us the tremendous privilege of becoming this little girl's parents.  Reagan has enriched our lives in more ways than I could ever begin to recount.  She is generous, strong, sweet, independent, and a perfect complement to our family.  For all of the countless strangers in Vietnam that stopped to tell us what a "lucky baby" she was:  the joy is all ours! 


clyde said...

Time flies!

Nancy @ Ordinary Miracles & The Crazy 10 said...

My goodness was she just an adorable baby. Oh how sweet. Is is me, or are Vietnamese just the cutest things ever? Biased, I know.
Nancy-of the crazy 8

Anonymous said...

She is amazing! Truly a gift from heaven!!

By the Brook said...

We love all your pics and Ben says, "Reagan is my best friend!"