Monday, November 05, 2007

I wish I had something to say…

but I don’t. The only thing I don’t like about having a blog is the pressure to keep it going. This is just one of those weeks when there are a lot of things floating around in my brain, but there’s not enough time or brain cells available to put anything coherent down on “paper.” I’ve been thinking about the intense conversations going on over at Voices for Vietnam Adoption Integrity about the potential for corruption in adoption (specifically in Vietnam) and what a truly ethical adoption looks like. I have my own, somewhat unorthodox views and a related post that’s been in the works for some time, but it’s just not ready yet. I’ve been thinking about our friends, the Kostjuk’s, who are facing the possibility that they may never get to know their newborn baby girl. I’ve been thinking about the babies we lost through miscarriage. I’ve been rejoicing in the glorious way God used that pain to lead our hearts ultimately to Reagan, and how without their deaths we never would have conceived Alyssa and Parker. I’ve been falling more and more in love with my newest daughter, almost to the point where I can say I hold the same affection for her as for my eldest two. I’ve been thinking about whether God will ever lead us (or rather Dan!) to adopt again, and when that time might be. I’ve been wondering whether our family is complete and what it will ultimately look like. A lot of fragmented thoughts, but like I said, nothing really cemented enough in my brain to compose a post in and of themselves. So maybe some day I’ll expand upon these thoughts, but for now you just get this little dump.


Little Lesiw said...

hey Laura - it's Rachel (Orr) from TMC! Do you remember me? Anyway, I saw that you have adopted a little girl and I just wanted to share that my husband and I did too. Our little Claire was a domestic adoption, but we plan on starting the process for China in January.

Its so great to see what a beautiful family you have - God has certainly blessed you.

Anyway, just wanted to say 'hi'!

Rebekah said...

We lost three through miscarriage, so I can relate to some of the things you said here. I think often about those little ones I never got to meet. What a blessing you have with your children! And isn't God good to give you such a love for your newest! Praise God for His merciful kindness.

I go through the blog slumps a lot, too. In fact, I think I'm kind of in one now.

Anonymous said...

that was a very sweet dump! I'm glad you post your thoughts, even if you don't think they are blog-worthy. I have a facebook now, but if you don't have one, I guess we can't get hooked up there. Anyway, if you ever do, there's lots of pics of our family on it.