Our Christmas cards are in the mail! If I didn’t enjoy getting them so much there’s no way I would go to all the trouble. For some reason the task just seemed especially tedious this year. Maybe it was the multiple photo sessions in multiple outfits on multiple different days (we get to dress and pose for the grandmothers’ Christmas cards as well). Perhaps it was the fact that the cute cards I bought on clearance last year didn’t want to go through my printer, which meant I had to print our letter on a separate sheet. I couldn’t bring myself to make another run out just to get paper, so I was limited to my stock on hand, which of course was not the right size and had to be cut by hand because my paper trimmer was too small to accommodate it… you get the idea! Top that off with the printer running out of ink and the laptop running out of juice mid-print and I was pretty much Christmas-carded-out before I even got to the sort, stuff, address, lick and stamp routine. All in all it’s still worth it for the fun of running out to the mailbox each day to see how our friends and family have changed and what they’ve been up to over the past year. I also appreciate the opportunity to share how gracious God has been to us, but I think next year I might go with the Costco photo shop special. So if you did receive a card, enjoy! If not and you’d like to have one, shoot me an e-mail with your street address (
momwholoveschrist@hotmail.com) but you’ll have to do without the letter – I’m all out and not about to start that mess again. Or if you’d rather not have our family photo plastered on your fridge next year, just enjoy it here:
As you can tell from our photo, the ~ family became a little more Vietnamese in 2007! After almost two years of waiting, Reagan finally became an official part of our family on May 15th. Since then, we have enjoyed getting to know the little person who for so many months was just a picture and a dream. Reagan is a sweet, happy baby who has blended almost seamlessly into our crazy life. Parker has embraced the role of big brother with gusto, and his laughter and enthusiasm are contagious. Alyssa loves being mama’s helper, but now shares her mornings and tender spirit with her beloved kindergarten class. Dan enjoyed ten weeks away from work, which we filled with all kinds of fun “bonding” activities after bringing Reagan home, but eventually returned to a job he loves. My life is filled with the simple joys and stuff of being a wife and now mother to three. When there’s time left over I blog about it ~here~. But as grateful as we are for our many temporal blessings, and especially the joy of adopting a child, they all pale in comparison to the joy of being adopted as a child of God. At this special time of year, and every day, we rejoice that “when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons” (Galatians 4:4-5). We pray that you too have been redeemed and know for yourselves the indescribable joy of being adopted by God!
What a great picture!!! Yeah, like you, I just do it so I can see other people's great creations : )
That's a great picture of the family.
Merry Christmas!!!!
I got mine today! You all look so nice! I am really lazy about mine this year, it is such a busy time with Ruby's b-day and our anniversary...I am trying to at least return any that I receive, but I'm not cracking out the address book.
Thanks for going to all the work, Laura--it is a delightful card, and much appreciated!! Besides, you don't have much else to do besides take wonderful care of three small children and a husband, beautifully decorate a clean home, Christmas shop for missionaries in Africa, get the boxes off in the mail, finish teaching an accounting class, grade final exams, play piano and study for Bible Study Fellowship, shop, buy, box and wrap gifts for how many friends and family, attend numerous parties, humor two grandmothers who want just the perfect picture of their babies to share with the world...and, oh yes, did I mention the laundry.....
Love, Mom
Wonderful picture! I just love watching your kids grow through your blog!!
Your card and picture are beautiful! Mine will hopefully be arriving today and go out this week, be on the lookout! And hopefully I'll get your address right this time...LOL.
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