Wednesday, November 25, 2009


As promised, here's our little Thanksgiving tree. More of a tumbleweed really, but it works! The kids were really quite creative, sweet and faithful in acknowledging all the different things they were thankful for. I think they would have written down each others' names each and every day had I not reminded them that they'd already done so. They challenged Danny and I to be grateful for the little things (we each had a color too) and to cherish the gift God has given us in our family.

Alyssa's list included her cousins, Disneyland, and (Mama's girl that she is) ice cream, doughnuts, candy and a general "food!"

Parker's leaves are easily identifiable not just by the orange color, but by his gratitude for all things boy: worms, guns and his frog. Then his softer side identified Gaga and Papa (my parents), Papa and Tilly (Danny's parents), and even his Mama and Daddy.

Our little one was especially grateful for her Dora cups - they got mentioned at least a half-dozen times! But Reagan also thanked God for gum, her favorite toys (camera, flashlight, and stuffed animals), and Cubbies.

We are so blessed by these three, and by the God Who graciously entrusted them to us! Happy Thanksgiving all!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Though I don't feel nearly old enough, it's true: I'm the mother of a 7 year-old! Alyssa deserves a long post extolling all the wonderful gifts God has blessed her with, including a tender little heart, an insatiable desire to "help," remarkable beauty, and the sweetest giggle. But... she and her siblings wore me out yesterday and today at Disneyland. Off to bed I go!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Little hikers

Unlike most of the rest of the country, we Southern Californians are confined to the indoors during our hot, dry summers. But what we sacrifice in July, August and September, we more than make up for October through June. This weekend we've enjoyed gorgeous weather - even venturing out on a little hike together on Friday. Danny and I had to carry the family's shortest little legs through most of the elevation gain, but Alyssa and Parker did great. Parker was immediately ready to do the loop all over again. And check out that green grass! Not exactly the Pacific Northwest of my youth, but then again, the sky is blue.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I still don't think 3 is enough

I may not ever push Danny for eight, but we sure had fun today with my niece, nephew and 3 of the 4 children of our dear friends here on furlough from Malawi. The prospect of 8 on 1 was a little daunting at first, but by God's great grace, our day was surprisingly calm and relatively conflict-free. It helps that my niece and nephew were champion nappers, Reagan took her own turn in bed, and Bob and Larry came to call when things started to get a little rowdy.
I never would have guessed how popular the cozy coupes would be! The seven bigger kids spent the better part of two hours climbing in and around the things. Did you know that 2 plastic cars designed for toddlers can accommodate a two-year-old, 2 three-year-olds, a 4 year-old, 5 year-old, 6 year-old, and nearly 7-year old, all at the same time?! They enjoyed a very nutritious lunch of bluebox mac and cheese, and I'm proud to say that my sink has never been cleaner. Scrubbing was the one chore I could accomplish while referring out my window.
But the best news of all is that, thanks to Ami, I am now a millionaire. She generously paid me with a genuine $10,000,000 note! Bad news is that my $10 million, plus the box of See's her parents brought me, might be enough to trade for a box of chocolates and a penny or two.
Don't get too worried honey - I think four would be perfect!

Saturday, November 07, 2009

No photos!

Scrolling back through my recent blog posts, I realized that this blog has become incredibly photo-heavy, and rather sad photos at that since my good camera is still on vacation (we miss you mom and dad!). Save for one wordy post, there's been nothing to see here but cute kids. The cutest really, but since most of you have your own cutest kids running around, that probably gets a little old. Sadly, I can't say that I'm necessarily going to be remedying that any time soon. I just couldn't bring myself to participate in NaBloPoMo again this November. Though I really enjoyed 30 days of Thanks last year, it was some pressure let me tell ya! It was so good for me to reflect on all the blessings in my life, but I think this year we're going to make it a family affair with a Thanksgiving tree (nevermind that I'm already 8 days late). I can only imagine how many leaves Reagan will end up with - her prayers lately consist of a seemingly never-ending list of all the people and things in her life. If it's in the room, been interacted with, or talked about in the last day, you can be sure Reagan will thank God for it. She's just simply adorable and I love hearing her tiny little voice address her Creator, but for the sake of time we sometimes have to supply the "amen" for her!
So for this year I'll enjoy all of my favorite blogs that are participating, and just share our little craft when we're done. You're holding your breath I know. Especially those of you that have seen my creativity in action. Anyway... Happy especially-thankful-month all!

Monday, November 02, 2009

Dancing, riding, and crashing

Despite my best efforts at a "themed" costume ensemble this year, we ended up with two ballerinas and a cowboy on his ride. They looked pretty adorable IMHO and had a blast collecting what actually ended up being a reasonable amount of candy at a non-ghoulish harvest festival. Parker, however, apparently regretted missing the opportunity to get his face painted. Last night he remedied that with his own shades of black, blue and purple thanks to a close-up with a wooden chair. This one's for you Mom!