Saturday, November 27, 2010

Was that only 72 hours ago?

Since we received notice of our court date we have purchased plane tickets, packed three weeks worth of clothes, meds and snacks, coordinated the details of our trip, celebrated Thanksgiving (but didn't have to cook - Thanks Mom and Mom T!), finished up Christmas shopping, fought a cold, enjoyed three kids, decorated the interior of the house, hung outdoor lights, put up the tree, and spent a few hours sleeping. Needless to say, we'll be ready to crash when we do get on that plane Sunday night. God has just been so good to sustain us and provide the time and energy to accomplish all that needed to be done. Perhaps even more miraculously, Alyssa, Parker and Reagan think all this running around has been really fun! I think they're for us to move on out so that their grandparents can move on in for a little while. Our plan for now is to return with "brother" on December 2oth so that we can celebrate Christ's birth as a family of six. We hope that's God's plan too! Thanks for all of your prayers on our behalf!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Travel Approval!

An hour ago we were told to hop on a plane to get our son!!! We are still working on travel arrangements (couldn't have picked a busier week), but we hope to leave early next week. Crazy! I'm still shaking. Please pray for us as we're running around over the next few days, and as we prepare to say good-bye to Alyssa, Parker and Reagan, who will be staying with their grandparents for a few weeks. Please also pray for the heart of our new little guy, whose world will be upended here very soon. You can follow along on our journey at - just e-mail me at for the password.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

S is for Snake

We're not fans of conventional pets. Danny had dogs growing up and I had a cat, but for many reasons, neither one of us is especially excited about the idea of bringing furry creatures into our home. As a result we've adopted fish (including 2 which have lived over a year - we do take good care of our pets), a frog, and currently, a perpetually-egg-laying cockatiel. Our friend and pastor Rick Holland didn't think that was quite enough however, and volunteered his boys' snake to take up residence in Parker's room. This mama wasn't too sure about that idea, but agreed to a trial run. So Ned (or Pumpkin or Candy...) the corn snake is here on loan, with the option to adopt. The kids are having a ball, and even Reagan (the most timid of the bunch) has been willing to hold it. We'll just see if we all still like the thing when it's ready for its mouse dinner next week.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Just odd

This remnant of Reagan's birthday party floated around here for 8 days. 8 days people! Anyone else ever had a regular old latex balloon float for more than a day?

Thursday, November 04, 2010

What once was lost has now been found!

Eight years ago I lost track of one of my favorite Bibles. It wasn't my everyday copy so I didn't notice it was gone right away. I looked everywhere I could think to look, but eventually gave up the search and gave up hope. Until a few weeks ago, when I received a facebook message from a girl I went to college with. She noticed my Bible on the lampstand of a friend in Kansas, of all places, and recognized my name. Turns out that this girl in Kansas used to work at our church was given my Bible in the course of her duties there. Since both my name and phone number had changed between the time I received the volume and the time I lost it, and our church has about 10,000 regular attendees, no one was able to find me. Over the years the girl in Kansas had tried to figure out who I was, but eventually gave up and just enjoyed the Bible. Until today, when she was finally able to reunite me with my beloved Book. It arrived in the mail with a sweet letter detailing its journey over the past 8 years. I'm thrilled to have it back, and grateful to the guardian who both cared for it and graciously returned it so many years later.