Saturday, January 14, 2012

We're still here...

 Anyone else suffer from blogger guilt?  When I started this thing we were in the midst of adopting Reagan, which meant there was always some update or non-news to report.  Over time it evolved into the journal of a normal family doing normal stuff, with more than a few trips to Disneyland thrown in for fun.  It got a little more exciting when we started the adoption process again, and then... well it seems as if I've run out of stuff to say.  Life is full and busy in (usually) wonderful ways, and hasn't left much time over for blogging.  I'm not giving up just yet - and I hope to have another adoption story to share someday - but for now you'll have to be happy with more photos of my favorite kids.  And I'm going to set the guilt aside!


Margie said...

Who went to Disneyland without inviting gaga?!?!

Laura said...

No one! We invited you and you said you couldn't come =(.

Willis said...

Yeah it's been a long time. Glad to see you're blogging again.

Lisa Spence said...

Blogging guilt, oh yes, I know it well. Isn't it silly to feel so guilty about a hobby? ;)

Your children are so beautiful! Looking forward to reading more of the adoption journey!

By the Brook said...

Hey B spoke to D the other day. Hope you had a happy birthday on Dec 6th. Can't believe you were here for your last bday! Time has really flown by! B mentioned another adoption. Can't wait to hear. We have had pathetic connection and so I am way behind. I cannot bring myself to get up at 3am when the connection is good just to blog:(