Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Climbing the walls

Literally. I probably encouraged questionable behavior by photographing this (or rather, by asking him to do it again so I could go grab my camera!) but I'm just floored by Parker's abilities to scale walls. He's little, but he's one solid muscle. So very unlike his mama.


Anonymous said...

Wow. WOW!

I can so see this happening at my house in a few years, hopefully not sooner!!

Cherie Baker Vann said...

your kids are getting so big!!

Mom Linda said...

Now you just have to train him to wash his hands & feet before he does this caper so he won't leave any prints! He is truly ALL BOY!

Lori said...

Oh my that's sooooo funny, my nephew does the exact same thing! I didn't think any other family was that ummmm different!!

Anonymous said...

That's my Parker!!! You are a doll and I miss you so much this week. Will youdo that at my house next week!?!?
Love, Gaga