Monday, November 17, 2008

Thankful on November 17th for...

my Dad, who was born on this day 61 years ago. All who know him will agree that he is the nicest man they have ever met. He loves God, and generously extends that love to those around him. My dad easily wins the respect and affection of everyone from peers, all the way down to toddlers. When he plays with our kids, he plays with them, doing whatever it is they want to do (unlike their mama who usually tries to persuade them into doing what I want to do). It's not unusual for Alyssa and Parker to get a call asking for a golfing date or a bowling date. All three regularly get real mail from their papa even though he lives less than 15 minutes away, just because kids love mail. When I was in college 1100 miles away from home, I received a package or a note from my dad almost every day. I cannot recall a time that I've heard him yell. Those well schooled in my-dad-isms (i.e. my mom, my sister and I) can occasionally detect frustration or anger, but his self control is amazing. He is willing to be wronged and rarely asserts his "rights." He is quick to give compliments, and always found a way to make my sister and I feel beautiful, even when we were decidedly not so (our "baby fat" didn't show up until 5th grade or so - way too old for it to be cute). Much of what is good in me is because of God's grace working through my dad, and much of what is lacking could be helped by emulating him. Happy birthday Dad! LYGBWYSYS


Anonymous said...

What a way to make a perfect birthday!!! I love you and thank you for making it so easy to look like a good Dad.

Love, Dad

Mom Linda said...

We agree--your dad is very, very special!

kimi said...

you were raised well Laura. This is a wonderful testimony of an amazing man who shows how to be a real man by loving God and loving his family. Happy B Day!

by the way, can you teach me that no yelling thing? I missed that one ;)

Rebecca Pierce said...

Right when you meet your dad, he comes off as a person who could not say anything nasty to anyone. I don't know him super well, but from roadtrips to Chelan and nice stays with your family, I sure agree with this post!

Heather said...

Hey Laura, I still love reading your blog. This entry about your Dad was one I couldn't pass up commenting on. Everything you said was precious and true of the little I knew of him when we were young. I remember so well and have told Ryan a couple times about spending the night at your house in Junior High and your Dad came and told us a bedtime story. I thought it was the coolest thing ever, I've never forgotten it!
