Sunday, November 16, 2008

Day 16

I'm thankful today for the opportunity to realize how unimportant things are. I suppose that's easier to say with a home intact vs. one that's not, but I've thought a lot about what I would take with us if we were evacuated and the list is not long. In addition to important papers and my laptop, I would take a few special Bibles, my wedding dress, a doll my grandma made, a WWII dagger from my grandpa, two quilts made by my great-grandmother on one side, a crystal dish from my great-grandmother on the other, the outfit Reagan had on when she left the orphanage, and as many photos as I could pack. Sentimental stuff. Things that couldn't be replaced. But even then, it's stuff we could live without. I enjoy the things that God has blessed us with, but as the family in our Bible study who lost their home yesterday said, "this is just our business address, our real home is in heaven."

1 comment:

Lisa Spence said...

I had similar thoughts when Katrina hit--I wondered to myself how much of my faith was wrapped up in my stuff? If it were all gone, could I still say "The Lord gives, the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord"? I long to be set free from my stuff! May my testimony be that Jesus is the true Treasure of this life...